Permanent Rooms & Spaces

2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design

Department of Justice September 10, 2010

Enforced beginning March 15, 2012

Excerpts: Permanent Rooms & Spaces

Subject:  Signs

216 Signs

216.1 General. Signs shall be provided in accordance with 216 and shall comply with 703.


  1. Building directories, menus, seat and row designations in assembly areas, occupant names, building addresses, and company names and logos shall not be required to comply with 216.
  2. In parking facilities, signs shall not be required to comply with 216.2, 216.3, and 216.6 through 216.12.
  3. Temporary, 7 days or less, signs shall not be required to comply with 216.
  4. In detention and correctional facilities, signs not located in public use areas shall not be required to comply with 216.

216.2 Designations. Interior and exterior signs identifying permanent rooms and spaces shall comply with 703.1, 703.2, and 703.5. Where pictograms are provided as designations of permanent interior rooms and spaces, the pictograms shall comply with 703.6 and shall have text descriptors complying with 703.2 and 703.5.

EXCEPTION: Exterior signs that are not located at the door to the space they serve shall not be required to comply with 703.2.

Advisory 216.2 Designations. Section 216.2 applies to signs that provide designations, labels, or names for interior rooms or spaces where the sign is not likely to change over time. Examples include interior signs labeling restrooms, room and floor numbers or letters, and room names. Tactile text descriptors are required for pictograms that are provided to label or identify a permanent room or space. Pictograms that provide information about a room or space, such as "no smoking," occupant logos, and the International Symbol of Accessibility, are not required to have text descriptors.