Exit Doors / ADA Signs
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
Department of Justice September 10, 2010
Enforced beginning March 15, 2012
Excerpts: Exit Door Requirements
Subject: Signs
216.4 Means of Egress. Signs for means of egress shall comply with 216.4.
216.4.1 Exit Doors. Doors at exit passageways, exit discharge, and exit stairways shall be identified by tactile signs complying with 703.1, 703.2, and 703.5.
Advisory 216.4.1 Exit Doors. An exit passageway is a horizontal exit component that is separated from the interior spaces of the building by fire-resistance-rated construction and that leads to the exit discharge or public way. The exit discharge is that portion of an egress system between the termination of an exit and a public way.